Bill Crutcher, Mina Buric

WINNER: Best Production Design

MOVIE: Despite the Falling Snow


Mina Buric born in Belgrade, 1977 After studying in Rome where she graduated as graphic designer at Istituto Europeo di Design and as production designer at Accademia di Belle Arti, since 2007 she lives in Belgrade. She was engaged in TV serials "Einstein","Paura di Amare" e "Il Restauratore","The Last panters" e film "The Brothers Bloom","The Raven","A Good Day To Die Hard","District 13 Ultimatum","3 Days to Kill". She worked as Set Decorator on "Chernobyl Diaries","Ironclad : Bettle per Blood","Everly","Sword of Vengeance ","Despite the Falling Snow" and as a Production Designer in "Despite the Falling Snow","Granice","Kise and Mayhem".